Tuesday, July 26, 2011

360 degree Moments

Welcome all, to the Immortal Moments Photography Blog! Thank you for checking me out, my name is Blake and I am at your service...well actually quite literally I'm at your service as Fee Lance Photographer in Oregon, USA. Please feel free to email me about Photography Services. The more original the venue and the more special the event, the better. 

Ok, now, with that business taken care of, I'd like to tell you a bit about my philosophy. Without a doubt your no doubt saying...."So, who is this guy? Immortal Moments? um...almost seems like a magicians autobiography or something...did I stumble upon some community college course or something?" Well, to answer the first question; I am Blake, and I am Immortal Moments Photography. My mission as a photographer is to immortalize the special moments of my clients experiences. I seek to capture in photo form the subtle energies and feelings that lie in the fold of our experiences. Because it is those moments that people connect to the most. You know what I mean, those moments where time doesn't exist and everything drifts together into one place. As a photographer I'm interested and compelled by the above stated notion. Because, in relation to the special nature of people realizations about that occaisional "one-ness", to be able to freeze those rare moments in time is...well, a thousand years ago they might have called that magic. Interesting. I will speak more on that later...

The forementioned brings about the other side of the equation; Quite simply put,  living beside rather than within the moment is nothing to aspire to, yet time and time again we as people look for the future as if its on a bullet train with an assured arrival time. Foolishly we aspire for what the future may bring, instead of realizing the only time that we actually have is the present moment. Presentmindedness, as I and many others have coined it is the essence behind attaining a high quality of life as well as the essence of a great photograph, is it not? Lets examine the ladder a bit closer; those of us with a camera search high and low around this great world for visuals that will convey a moment "in time", and by doing so those of us with the camera slip in between the moment and its capturing...almost as if he or she is in two places at once. But is it not the mission of any artist to somehow bring the two places of consciousness together into one? Hmmm...well go more into the previous question another day.

Within this Blog I will share my journey as a photographer with you. My Immortal Moments photos will be our muse for ponderings and discussions, along with my experiances...and who knows maybe we'll both learn something.

Today is drawing to an end, and I'm sure your attention span is too. Until next time then. Cheers.



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